Legal help for LGBT

(fighting discrimination in healthcare, housing, jobs, marriage, adoption, and many more)
You can donate, volunteer, find a job with them, or get help locally.
Trans academy staff are not lawyers, please use the resources below to find a lawyer.

how to change name legally in the US step by step:
In my state I had to file paperwork for court, fill out a form to post a name change in the newspaper before court date (pay fees for both of about $300usd total)

Then once approved in court I had to change my ID first at the DMV and pay $25usd,
then go to social security(fee) and then get my birth certificate changed(fee).
Ask your local DMV what order it should be done in for best results.

For gender marker change I had to go see a therapist or doctor to write me a letter stating that im transgender and now go by Male (or female if you are) medically.
Then I had to bring that letter in to my local DMV and get them to print out a new card again, same fee.
Then everywhere else that I was legally that gender like birth certificate,social security card,etc.
All my medical providers have me listed male, with a note stating im transgender ftm.
However new doctors only see the word “male” and medically I need to out myself for safety as I have different body organs.

Also! Don't forget (name changes) to let your work know for payment (also your bank), and your school for diploma to have your degree in your new name.
Bring in your name change paperwork from court thats stamped and show them its been legally changed, if they give you issues you can file discrimination claims with any of the legal teams listed above.

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This advice is based on our lived experience, we are not doctors/therapists/lawyers/experts. Any products/companies are just suggestions. Please use your own discretion and research with any advice listed. Always seek the advice of your qualified health care provider regarding any medical questions.