Homelessness, lack of Food, Asylum and Refugees & financial needs

Help for refugees and asylum seekers


If you are in need of a US passport, see US Passports When thinking of safe states to go, check out our politics page for up to date info. US state LGBT bills by map




Need moving funds to get out of Florida/Texas or another state?

LGBT Youth homelessness





Why is the internet important?
Finding resources for help, educating yourself, getting a job, finding friends and support.

Free and cheap goverment phone plans

  • Free cell phone plans starting at $0
  • How to find health insurance

    US Low income options include:

    Worldwide: Canada, Australia as well as many other countries have universal healthcare programs .

    Tips and tricks

    Always ask if your doctor can do a payment plan (small payments over time),
    sliding scale payment (free and goes up in price on a scale) or if they do any pro-bono work (free).

    You can also see if there is a nearby College with students who need practice, example:
    A nearby dental school does free and reduced price dental cleanings for nearby residents.

    Some employers offer health insurance in the US, that price comes out of part of your paycheck.
    The jobs that offer healthcare are either full time jobs at a minimum wage position, or jobs that are salary positions.
    The employer chooses the insurance provider, and they sign you up as part of their plan.
    You can also add a partner or children under your health insurance plan.


    (surgery, healthcare, moving and more)

    Jobs, resumes and skill building

    What job sites are good? mygwork.com/ - best websites for lgbt people to find jobs
    Find a job without a college degree: jobs.nodegree.com

    Job boards


    1. jobboard.lgbt/browse-jobs/
    2. queeroutdoors.net/job-board
    3. lgbt.net/jobs/
    4. diversityjobs.com/community-for-lgbtqia/
    5. campuspride.jobs
    6. pink-jobs.com

    US & Canada job board

    1. lgbtqcenters.org/Careers

    Workplace Rights

    Know your rights in the workplace!

    US: hrc.org/resources/workplace
    UK: citizensadvice.org.uk/ - discrimination because of sex or sexual orientation
    Canada: chrc-ccdp.gc.ca/ - what is discrimination

    How to ask for accommodations at work

    1. Check local laws for disability and worker rights
    2. After you get your job and are hired(not during an interview), see HR (human resources), or manager if that's not available.
    3. Bring them your request and doctors note stating your need, and explain. You don't need to expose your medical history, just explain how your employer can help you.
    4. Anyone can get medical accommodations, not just disabled individuals.
      Example: One weekend you break your foot and land in crutches, you now need a chair to sit in during shift.
      Example2: You have a lot of doctors appointments coming up and need some time off, you show them doctors note and they allow you extra time off.

    *if you are completely unable to work, ask your local government for information about unemployment and disability income options,etc.

    Skill building

    Google certificates , Harvard online certificates allow you to learn skills for free or very cheap from the comfort of your home.
    (computer science, history, art, graphic design and more)

    Check out the Trans academy discord server events and notices tabs for more information on upcoming classes to help you achieve your goals and learn life skills.

    We just ended our: Intro to Computer Science class. (we will have more classes in the future)
    The recordings can be viewed on the Trans Academy Vods channel .

    If you want to suggest a class or teacher/professional to teach a class, please fill out a ticket and let us know.

    This is a free course and goes at your own pace with our instructor.

    Resume Help

    University of Michigan’s Resume Guide: careercenter.umich.edu/resume-resources

    * Tip: Make sure your social media is set to private so employers looking up your name in background checks don't find anything inappropriate, nsfw, controversial, etc.
    Create a resume on Linked in, a website used for employers to find employees and people to see what business connections others have.

    Job interviews

    What to say

    What to wear

    Wear something business casual. No need for a tie or heels, but dont show up in sweat pants or something dirty.
    Wearing a nice, well fitting and clean outfit shows that you will also show up to work ready in uniform each day.
    You want to appear professional and put together.

    * If you don't have an interview outfit, consider borrowing a shirt from a friend, going to a thrift store, or asking a local charity for job interview clothes.
    Many charities are more than willing to help someone unemployed with this. Also some even help with job uniform cost.


    College financial aid options (US)

    There are also many scholarships you can apply for that you don't need to pay back!

    Want to add something here? Contact Pongo under worldwidelgbtresources@gmail.com
    Technical difficulties? Contact Add on Discord (add_gaming) or Twitter!
    Found a mistake? Let us know via email.

    This advice is based on our lived experience, we are not doctors/therapists/lawyers/experts. Any products/companies are just suggestions. Please use your own discretion and research with any advice listed. Always seek the advice of your qualified health care provider regarding any medical questions.